DNN Blogs

Written for the Community, by the Community

DNN 09.13.06 Released

Written By Timo Breumelhof (40F)

We are happy to announce that a new version of DNN has been released.

Download DNN 09.13.06 from GitHub


Release Notes

We'd like to first thank everyone from the community who has submitted pull requests or reported issues.
A grand total of 10 pull requests by 2 contributors were processed for this release.

Noteworthy Changes in v9.13.6

Bug Fixes

  • Fix server info error on .NET 4.8 #6201 Thanks @bdukes (an issue in 09.13.05)


  • Bumped react-slider from 0.11.2 to 2.0.6 #6101
  • Bumped @storybook/addon-actions from 6.5.16 to 8.3.6 #6168
  • Bumped NSubstitute from 5.1.0 to 5.3.0 in the teststack-dossier group #6182
  • Bumped the cake-issues group with 3 updates #6183
  • Bumped Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.10.0 to 17.11.1 #6185
  • Bumped array.prototype.find from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 #6187 Thanks @bdukes
  • Bumped Castle.Core, Moq, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe, System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions and Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies #6190
  • Updated resource-manager dependencies and some polishing #6192 Thanks @valadas

Developer Experience

  • Made GitVersion config less ambiguous #6195 Thanks @bdukes

List of Contributors

Release Notes

We'd like to first thank everyone from the community who has submitted pull requests or reported issues.
A grand total of 21 pull requests by 2 contributors were processed for this release.

Noteworthy Changes in v9.13.5

Bug Fixes



  • Bumped eslint-plugin-react from 7.13.0 to 7.35.0 #6105
  • Bumped Verify.SourceGenerators and Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces #6108
  • Bumped the npm_and_yarn group with 2 updates #6117
  • Bumped webpack from 5.88.2 to 5.94.0 in the npm_and_yarn group #6118
  • Bumped dayjs from 1.11.10 to 1.11.13 #6124
  • Bumped the cake-issues group across 1 directory with 2 updates #6125
  • Bumped the codeanalysis group with 3 updates #6126
  • Bumped peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 #6132
  • Bumped the npm_and_yarn group with 4 updates #6134
  • Bumped caniuse-lite to latest #6135 Thanks @bdukes
  • Bumped the aspnet group across 1 directory with 2 updates #6146
  • Bumped NUnit from 3.13.3 to 4.2.2 #6147
  • Bumped eslint-plugin-react from 7.35.0 to 7.37.1 #6148
  • Bumped raw-loader from 2.0.0 to 4.0.2 #6149
  • Bumped Yarn from 4.0.2 to 4.5.0 #6164 Thanks @bdukes
  • Bumped Verify.NUnit and Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces #6169
  • Bumped http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in the npm_and_yarn group #6171

List of Contributors

Optional Telerik Removal

As of the 9.11.0 release, Telerik has been completely removed from the codebase; however, sites utilizing modules depending on Telerik can still be upgraded to the latest version of DNN 9. While Telerik removal is still optional for upgrades, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

  • If you perform a clean install of this version, Telerik will NOT be installed.
  • If you upgrade an instance where Telerik was previously removed, it will NOT be reinstalled.
  • If you upgrade an instance that still has the Telerik libraries installed, the upgrade process will guide you through options to keep or remove Telerik. Additionally, if you can't remove Telerik at the moment of upgrade but plan to do it later on, a wizard will be installed to help you remove Telerik later.

Additional Resources.

Is this your first time installing or upgrading DNN? If so, you can find some help with the installation and upgrade wiki articles. If this is your 100th time upgrading DNN, maybe review the guides and submit a few changes!

Total: 1 Comment(s)
Thank you guys for all the work!
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 ·

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