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JQuery 3.5.0 DNN 9.6.0

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New Around Here

    JQuery 3.5.0 introduced few breaking changes
    How I can revert to JQuery 3.4.1 but keep DNN 9.6.0 util the 3.5.1 will be released? 

    Advanced Member

      From Peter Donker at Slack " The workaround is to manually fill in a url (like a CDN) under Extensions > Javascript Libraries > Select jQuery and then go to extension settings. You can fill in a Custom CDN there.
      Mariette Knap
      Microsoft MVP Alumni

      New Around Here

        I have used https://ajax.googleapis.c.../3.4.1/jquery.min.js but it does not work.
        I had to insert directly in the skin
        <script <br /> src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js" <br /> integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" <br /> crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

        Veteran Member

        Veteran Member

          Posted By Mariette Knap on 02 May 2020 07:20 AM
          From Peter Donker at Slack " The workaround is to manually fill in a url (like a CDN) under Extensions > Javascript Libraries > Select jQuery and then go to extension settings. You can fill in a Custom CDN there.

          I just tested that and that does not help, DNN still loads jQuery 03.05.00 even with a custom CDN to 03.05.01


          Veteran Member

            I copied the content of jQuery 03.05.01 into the file \Resources\Libraries\jQuery\03_05_00\jquery.js, that's a hack, but does work


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