DNN Blogs

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SouthernFried DNN User Group Meeting August '21 - Mitchel Sellers (DNN Technology) & Nik Kalyani (DNN in Web3?)

Written By Moore Creative


In this Southern Fried DNN User Group Meeting:

Speaker: Mitchel Sellers
Topic: DNN Technology

A lot has changed from a DNN Platform technology perspective and the 10.x release of DNN Platform is forthcoming. Mitchel will discuss the recent technology changes, trends that we see in the community, and future items for consideration as we look at the future of DNN.

Speaker: Nik Kalyani
Topic: DNN in Web3?

If you’ve ever wondered what your evolution from a Web2 to Web3 developer might look like, this is the talk for you. I’ll draw parallels between Web2 and Web3 so you can understand the lay of the land and provide context for how your current DNN skills map to the highly lucrative Web3 arena. In addition, I’ll give you a quick 5-min demo of DappStarter, a platform my company Decentology has built to help Web2 devs get started on Web3, and also tell you about the future of monetizable Open Source — DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations).


Watch the Southern Fried DNN User Group August 2021 Meeting:


Southern Fried DNN User Group
The Southern Fried DNN User Group is YOUR user group for the DNN Community!

Southern Fried (SoFri) meets monthly to covers DNN topics from the DNN community. Join us for roundtable discussions, speakers and presentations from development and technology to Module vendors and new ideas!

SoFri meets the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM Eastern



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