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Oct 2024 SoFri: Ryan Moore - DNN Migration Investigation

Written By Moore Creative


Ryan Moore(Migration Investigation - Sleuthing & Troubleshooting A DNN Instance Migration)


In this Southern Fried DNN User Group Meeting:

Speaker: Ryan Moore
Topic: Migration Investigation - Sleuthing & Troubleshooting A DNN Instance Migration

In this So Fri Meeting, Ryan Moore with Moore Creative will walk through the steps taken to help a colleague troubleshoot a new server move with the issues that they encountered. We will review many steps that can be taken to help assess the state of the server environment setup and the next steps necessary to get the migrated DNN instance running!


  • test to get localhost running
  • test to turn on IIS hosting basic requirements
  • test after that to make sure website public browsing on 403-3.gif
  • test asp.net without database using keepalive page
  • test database connection with local desktop file
  • confirming application pool permissions
  • get local host running for DNN in database portal aliases
  • checking web.config for drive-based records such as error and folders
  • more!



Community Topics and Updates


Ryan Moore(Migration Investigation - Sleuthing & Troubleshooting A DNN Instance Migration)


Migration Investigation - Sleuthing & Troubleshooting A DNN Instance Migration


Ryan presented with a PREZI presentation to share the story of a recent client interaction where he provided DNN Migration Support. You can view that PREZI presentation at the following link:

Presentation Notes:

  • 🕵️‍♂️ Investigating issues with Local Host access and server migrations.
  • 🖥️ Initial problems accessing Local Host due to server setup issues.
  • 🔄 Troubleshooting steps included checking Hosts file and pinging localhost.
  • 🌐 Server discovered to lack IIS installation and configuration.
  • 🔧 Recommendation to check server setup and configurations before migration. Importance of thorough server preparation for web hosting functionalities.
  • 🎯 First, ensure IIS is running by loading the 403-3.gif, a basic test file that indicates IIS readiness. 
  • 🕵️‍♂️ If it is not then perhaps the server environment is not set up to serve websites or ASP.NET websites. Read the DNN environment setup instructions for more directions.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Next, confirm ASP.NET functionality by loading keepalive.aspx, a simple page returning the current date and time.
  • 🗃️ Test database connectivity separately from DNN using a UDL file to isolate and troubleshoot connection string issues.
  • 🔒 When setting up or migrating a DNN site, ensure correct folder permissions for the application pool to avoid file upload or module installation issues.
  • 🌐 Update DNN portal alias settings to reflect new domain names to resolve issues with website loading after domain changes.
  • 🛠️ Sometimes servers may not be prepared to handle SSL certificates correctly.
  • 📧 SMTP issues can arise, requiring simple tests to verify email functionality.
  • 🖥️ Tools like Outlook and alternative methods can test username and password validity effectively.
  • 🎨 Prey is a favorite tool for dynamic presentations, offering smooth zoom effects and interactive elements.
  • 📰 Examples of PREZI presentations as an alternative to simple PowerPoint slides include presentations like a dynamic newspaper for engaging sessions.

Watch the Southern Fried DNN User Group October 2024 Meeting:


Southern Fried DNN User Group
The Southern Fried DNN User Group is YOUR user group for the DNN Community!

Southern Fried (SoFri) meets monthly to covers DNN topics from the DNN community. Join us for roundtable discussions, speakers and presentations from development and technology to Module vendors and new ideas!

SoFri meets the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM Eastern



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