DNN Blogs

Written for the Community, by the Community

SoFri October Meeting - DNNSharp's Plant An App

Written By Moore Creative

Community Events and Recent News

DNN Summit Information Released!

The DNNSummit.org website now has postings for the Speakers and Sessions planned for the 2020 DNN user conference. It's time to look over sessions, read information on the DNN Training courses available and register for your tickets now!

Also, for DNN Parners, it's the perfect time to register to become a Sponsor for DNN Summit 2020

DNN Corp's Q4 Conference

Mike Smeltzer gave a brief overview of news and information that was presented at the recent DNN Corp online event.

Andrew Hoeffling's DNN Static Site Handler Released

Ryan Moore reviewed the exciting new release from Andrew Hoeffling that was posted, open source to the DNN community this past week. The DNN Static Site Handler is intended to help manage permissions and files/versions for static HTML files within DNN handlers.


October Southern Fried DNN User Group Presentation

DNNSharp App Builder project, Plant An App

The App Builder module orchestrates DNNSharp modules to build web applications in a simplified and robust way. With powerful tools, such as the entity builder which practically eliminates the need to know SQL, to the workflow builder that allows building the business logic, it allows for much faster delivery of apps. Other secret gems are revealed during the session, watch the video to see what it's all about!

About Speaker
Bogdan Litescu
CEO @ DNN Sharp



November SoFri Meeting : DNN Shine 2019 Release!
Next Month's meeting features a release party for Mike Smeltzer and DNN Shine!


Southern Fried DNN User Group
The Southern Fried DNN User Group is YOUR user group for the DNN Community!

Southern Fried (SoFri) meets monthly to covers DNN topics from the DNN community. Join us for roundtable discussions, speakers and presentations from development and technology to Module vendors and new ideas!

SoFri meets the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM Eastern



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