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Cache error on install

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Senior Member

    Posted By H Ross Mickelson on 3/18/2024 10:41 AM

    David, I can't get your https://www.nvquicksite.com/ to download correctly in Win 11 even though I say it is safe. Any ideas here?

    You'll probably want to supply a screenshot and/or any errors you're having.  Also, support for that tool is probably best requested in it's GitHub repository.  ;) 

    However, download issues are very likely to not have anything to do with nvQuickSite (or any other downloadable file). Most often, it's something environmental.  


    Veteran Member

      Exactly what Will said! 😊

      David Poindexter


      New Around Here

        This is what you see, and then can never be able to use it download as it says 'Unconfirmed 799721.crdownload' What should I do next? I did send the message that it is trusted.

        'Microsoft Defender SmartScreen couldn't verify if this file is safe because it isn't commonly downloaded. 

        Make sure you trust the file you're downloading or its source before you open it.

        Name: nvQuickSite_v2.3.3.0_Installer.msiPublisher: Unknown'

        Advanced Member

          Chrome will do some basic checks and then offload extra verifications of downloads to other systems like Microsoft Defender or other Anti-Virus installed. In Microsoft Defender, there should be some link or small button to "allow anyway" or something similar. Something like this https://learn.microsoft.c...?view=o365-worldwide

          New Around Here

            Actually, to fix this I just renamed the file in download with file name and the .msi extension, then your able to execute the file. Why they don't tell you this is strange. It appears to execute correctly, I will try it on the next install. Thanks for the suggestion.

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