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Migrated site tries to load upgrade wizard

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New Around Here

    As mentioned my migrated site tries to load the upgrade wizard instead of the site. I've checked the database connection string a it seems to be OK. Can anyone enlighten me on what might be causing this behaviour? Many thanks.

    Veteran Member

      What do you mean by "migrated site"?

      Did you try to run an upgrade and used the install package instead of the upgrade package accidentally?

      Happy DNNing!

      Michael Tobisch

      dnnWerk Austria
      DNN Connect

      New Around Here

        Hi Michael, no I'm migrating a bunch of sites from server to server. This is normally a pretty straight forward task but for some reason the site in question is trying to load the upgrade instead. I did a second site and that one tried to load the install wizard so something is not right so trying to find out what would normally cause the install to behave like this?

        Veteran Member

          First thing to check is if the database connection string is correct and if there are the required permissions on SQL Server.

          Happy DNNing!

          Michael Tobisch

          dnnWerk Austria
          DNN Connect

          Veteran Member

            Every time this happens, it's almost always a value that looks correct, but isn't.  I'd recommend re-doing the entire process and copy/paste anything that you'd normally type.  Everything.  

            This documentation article should help too.  I know this is frustrating, but it's always something I did to myself when I see this happen.  ☹️ 


            (Note: the error is not the same, but the troubleshooting usually is.)

            New Around Here

              Hi Will, well it turns out you are correct. Someone (not naming names, but he works in my office and sits at my desk at the same time as me :) ) downloaded a dump of the wrong database. Ugh. I deleted the install and database and started the migration from scratch. I have the site running now but getting lots of 403 errors:

              Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
              Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
              dnn.js?cdv=2:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Sys is not defined
              at dnn.js?cdv=2:1:31
              dnn.jquery.js?cdv=2:4297 Uncaught ReferenceError: Sys is not defined
              at dnn.jquery.js?cdv=2:4297:5
              at dnn.jquery.js?cdv=2:4300:3

              I assume this is a permissions issue for the worker process? But giving full control or read / write / modify on the root is not solving it so far. I've contacted host support but thought I'd report back here too in case there is anything else that could be.

              Veteran Member

                Did you remove Telerik? If yes, it seems that you have some extension that still relies on it - and this is giving this error.

                Happy DNNing!

                Michael Tobisch

                dnnWerk Austria
                DNN Connect

                New Around Here

                  No have not removed Telerik. In fact this site is an old DNN 8x build. I've migrated a second (DNN9x) site and find the same errors are present.

                  Veteran Member

                    Awesome... One more step in the correct direction!  😎 

                    If it were me, I'd do the following: 

                    • Triple-check and re-apply the permissions. 
                    • Delete everything in the /Install/Temp/ folder (and the folder itself).  
                    • Delete everything in the /App_Code/Search/ folder (leave the folder intact).  
                    • Compare the web(dot)config to a clean web(dot)config of the same version of DNN (install it locally, then compare the web(dot)config files to each other to look for anything that's obviously missing or different that shouldn't be).  
                    • Check the Bin folder and also compare this to the clean install to see if anything is missing or different (just in case there's a core code change).  
                    • Look for any related errors in the Log4Net file(s) for the relevant day and time in the /Portals/_default/Logs/ folder.  

                    For the comparison steps, I'd recommend using WinMerge.  It works well for single files and full folders, and it's free.  

                    New Around Here

                      Thanks for that list, I worked through it without success. Interestingly nothing is in the logs. As an experiment I tried to install a fresh copy of DNN9 from scratch. I got a permissions error trying to load the install wizard so I went into Plesk and applied full control to the WP and that allowed the wizard to load but it has all the same error messages in browser console. 403 forbidden and Sys is not defined. Surly this must be a bad server configuration causing this?
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