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Existing DNN Project Issue

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    I got an exisitng website developed in DNN 8. When i want to open it in Visual Studio 2019, I can not find project or solution (.csproj/.sln) files to open the project.

    Question2: Is it possible he give me published/deployed code only? Is DNN like PHP where you do not have to publish and create dll?

    Veteran Member

      I don't know your use case, but normally you don't need to compile the whole DNN project if you are developing extensions. See Extensibility -- DNN Docs for more information.

      If you are trying to fix something in the core you have to forge the code to your own GitHub repo and start pull requests when you want to contribute that work. There are some documentations about how to do this on the web, use Google to find out, please.

      Happy DNNing!

      Michael Tobisch

      dnnWerk Austria
      DNN Connect

      Veteran Member

        In addition to Michael:
        Just to be clear, you do not need the source code to deploy DNN on a web server.
        For a new website, you usually just extract the content of the install package into the website directory and create a blank SQL Server database. browsing the website will launch the install wizard, which will guide you through the installation procedure. If you want to install an extension (theme, app, provider) subsequently, you use the installer in the admin Web interface. If you want to move the site from one server to another, you just need to copy files and database and adjust connection string in web.config file.
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