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Styling the modal popup

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New Around Here

    Hi DNN friends,

    How do I add a stylesheet to the login and reset password popup?
    Currently it only takes the default.css style
    I created the custom css in the skin.css file but it doesn't work, unless I disabled popups

    I am using version 9.10.2 and 9.11.0 


    Veteran Member

      AFAIK (or AFAIR) the modal popus do not load any stylesheet except the default.css and the popupskin.css unless you add a reference to another one in the code.

      A way to solve this is to create your own login module and change the value for the Login page (Site Settings >> Site Behaviour >> Default Pages) to your login control.

      Happy DNNing!

      Michael Tobisch

      dnnWerk Austria
      DNN Connect

      New Around Here

        Hi Michael.

        Thanks for your comment, by the way, I know where the default.css file is, but where is the popupskin.css? Is it a file that needs to be created?,

        thanks again!

        Veteran Member

          The popupskin.css is propably a file included in the skin (theme).

          Happy DNNing!

          Michael Tobisch

          dnnWerk Austria
          DNN Connect

          Senior Member

            I would suggest that you not edit the DNN CSS files directly. Any edits here will be lost the next time you upgrade DNN.

            You should instead be overriding any CSS in your theme, usually using your Portal.css. This not only protects you during upgrades, but it also will no longer mean all kinds of extra work to merge core code changes like this.

            (Not to mention, when you need to fix or troubleshoot something, the numerous blogs and docs out there will be relevant to you still. This is not the case when you change the core of DNN.)

            New Around Here

              I've been following this thread, and wondered if anyone had the issue of there being no labels on the reset password page? To test I created a user and then requested a password reset. All good, until the password reset page loaded; the username appeared in the first box, but the 'new password' and 'confirm new password' labels didn't load (if they exist). Thanks in advance if anyone has the answer.

              Veteran Member

                If you click the password reset, you have to enter your username and submit it. Then you get an email with a link that is valid for a given time (default 24h afair). It opens a page where you can enter the new password twice. This procedure is not only safer than entering the old password and then twice the new one to change it, it is also more helpful if you have forgotten your password.

                Happy DNNing!

                Michael Tobisch

                dnnWerk Austria
                DNN Connect

                New Around Here

                  Thanks for a quick and professional response Michael - very useful. The problem is when the user clicks on the password reset link, the page that appears already contains the username (which is a good thing), but there are no labels on the text boxes to input the new password and to confirm the new passwords. Ideally, there's a script somewhere in the login module documentation that can have the labels added or enabled.

                  Veteran Member

                    Again: this is by design. It is the procedure for users who have already registered, are not logged in and have forgotten their password.

                    When you come to that page you enter your username and submit it. The system looks to the users table in the database, and if a user with that name exists it sends an email with a password reset link. This makes sure that only the recipient of this email gets the link. The user clicks on that link and gets a page where he can enter a new password (and confirm that). Then the password is reset.

                    A logged-in user can go to his profile, and under "Edit profile" he finds a panel to manage his password. There he can enter his current password, a new password and a confirmation to change the password.

                    Happy DNNing!

                    Michael Tobisch

                    dnnWerk Austria
                    DNN Connect

                    New Around Here

                      Thank you Michael. The process is itself is straightforward, but some users might not realise they have to put in a new password and repeat this into the unmarked boxes - still, an exciting development challenge for me after doing information security for a lot of years, and now looking at DNN development. Looking forward to many chats with you guys in the future :)
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