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Veteran Member

    I would like to use the member directory to display 'consultants' that one can send a message to.
    But if you do that, you can also send a message to 'all in the group' or 'all users' or other users that are not listed in the member directory. Just by adding another person/group in the 'to'  field of the interface. 

    There are 2 reasons why you don't want that:

    1. if someone is not in the group, it should not be able to send messages to him/her
    2. after typing 2 characters the autosuggest kicks in and you are able to view all users. Which is not desirable for privacy reasons.

    So, is there a way to limit that?

    Tjep's digital agencyRegards,
    Tycho de Waard

    Tjep's digital agency
    We just love DNN

    Veteran Member

      I guess you need a pull request for that..

      New Around Here

        Assuming the features are not built in and no one offers a non-code solution... Unless there is additional complexity here that I don't see, this seems like it would be much easier to implement with a custom mini-app in 2sxc or Open Content? 

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