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Inherited old DNN Installation

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New Around Here

    So I inherited an old DNN stallation that looks like it has not been updated since 2015?
    DNN Version appears to be 07.03.01 
    Looks like there are some patches that need updating.
    I looked at the DNN upgrade chart and do not see version Version - 07.03.01
    I did see a evoq version Version - 07.03.01
    How can I tell if my install is DNN or evoq?

    If I have a regular DNN install what is the upgrade path? 07.04.02? 

    Thanks for any help.

    Growing Member

      Assuming you have a "regular" (non-Evoq) install of DNN, the suggested upgrade path is outlined here: https://docs.dnncommunity...gested-upgrade-path/

      So yes, go to 07.04.02 and work forwards from there.

      (I'm not sure how you'd tell the difference between Evoq and regular DNN, apart from the UI not saying Evoq anywhere!)

      Veteran Member

        You should be able to identify the version by examining the Versions table in the data. The name of the last version installed should give you the information that you need.

        You could also look in the Extensions page to see which modules are installed. Look for "Pro" in names. In particular, how is the HTML module identified?

        As for doing upgrades, the first step if to make backups of the file directory AND the database. Tuck them away someplace safe.

        Before you start, you will want to take inventory of the modules installed, especially third party modules. Anything that is a DNN module or a DNN Community module should be safe, though there are some exceptions. Take note of module names and versions.

        Then, as you upgrade, make backups at every stage. You will need to backup here and there, so those backups will help.

        Be sure that you read the Release Notes for each upgrade. They will warn you if there are known potholes on the road to the upgrade.

        You should be able to get to 8.0.4 fairly easily, It may be that the only issues you might find getting there is changes to the DNN menu system and containers. These are fairly straightforward ... once you have found the tricks. So asking questions is always the right approach.

        Getting from 8.0.4 to 9.1.1 and then to 9.10.2 will introduce more challenges. Again, the release notes will help along with your questions.
        Joe Craig
        DNN MVP
        Patapsco Research Group

        New Around Here

          Ok, I think I have a regular DNN install.
          One more peice of advice.
          When I download DNN_Platform_07.04.02_Upgrade.zip from Github in the browser I can't open the file.
          I get an error that Archive is in unkown format or damaged.
          When I use Github desktop app to download the repo I get the error :

          Cloning into 'C:\Users\Owner\Documents\GitHub\Dnn.Releases.Archive.7x-2'... remote: Enumerating objects: 298, done. remote: Total 298 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 298 Receiving objects: 100% (298/298), 964.40 MiB | 2.36 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (52/52), done. Updating files: 100% (171/171), done. Downloading 07.00.00 RC (Not for Production Use)/DotNetNuke_Community_7.0.0.1562_Install.zip (44 MB) Error downloading object: 07.00.00 RC (Not for Production Use)/DotNetNuke_Community_7.0.0.1562_Install.zip (6f1cacd): Smudge error: Error downloading 07.00.00 RC (Not for Production Use)/DotNetNuke_Community_7.0.0.1562_Install.zip (6f1cacd9fc76beeafe81a48a376c36122c2cc9f185ffa7744d0f0789249b7675): batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access.

          And the folder for 07.04.02 is empty.
          Am I doing something wrong.
          Can anyone else access the file?

          Advanced Member

            We use the Git LFS feature to host the archive of packages. Unfortunately, there's been an issue with the payments for that plan and so they aren't currently available to access.

            I've uploaded the package files as a GitHub release so you can grab them that way. Hope it helps!

            DNN partner specializing in custom, enterprise DNN development https://engagesoftware.com/showcase

            Veteran Member

              Thanks Brian. For others stumbling onto this thread and perhaps looking for a different version release, there is a workaround for the Git LFS issue documented in this GitHub issue: https://github.com/dnnsof....Archive.7x/issues/2

              Hopefully the account payment issue will be sorted out eventually.

              David Poindexter


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