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Custom Module Installation cleans out table data

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Veteran Member

    Phew... no more ideas tbh. Could you send me the SqlDataProvider scripts? You may use the contact form on my website to submit your email address, then I'll send you mine. Maybe we find something there...

    Happy DNNing!

    Michael Tobisch

    dnnWerk Austria
    DNN Connect

    New Around Here

      I've managed to find the problem. At some point I changed the package/module name so Dnn sees it as a new module. I went into the database and changed the names to match the new name, which resolved everything. I confirmed that only new DB scripts were run, i.e. scripts with a version number greater than the currently installed module version.

      Thanks for the help Michael, much of what you said helped me on the right track. Appreciate it.

      Veteran Member

        Glad I could help...

        Happy DNNing!

        Michael Tobisch

        dnnWerk Austria
        DNN Connect

        Growing Member

          Jacques, thank you for posting the actual cause of the issue - I have been following this thread since I use the same functions for maintaining the tables included, and used, by the modules I develop, and was a bit worried if all scripts could be executed by error.

          It is good to know that changing the name of the module will cause this behavior - having this information can certainly justify never doing that without careful consideration ;-)

          This is, in my humble opinion, a textbook example of what a community forum can provide. One member experiences a problem that other members help solve - and the root cause/solution is provided back to the forum so all can benefit from the information gained and time spent. If everyone concluded a forum post concerning a problem or an issue with the solution - even if found by one self without the help of others - many hours of googling could be saved ;-)

          Great teamwork Michael and Jacques!

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