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Error setting up user control code-behind

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New Around Here

    I'm trying to incorporate this non-DNN dev page (http://hstoneart.com/Port...stoneArtGallery.aspx ) into a new page template file. The new file is based on the Xcillion Inner.ascx; the problem is that I can't get the code-behind to work. When I load a page using the new template, I get the error "Could Not Load Theme: /Portals/_default/skins/hstoneartskin/hsa_inr_modal.ascx, Error: E:\web\drawingwork\htdocs\Portals\_default\skins\hstoneartskin\HSA_inr_modal.ascx.vb(11): error ASPNET: Make sure that the class defined in this code file matches the 'inherits' attribute, and that it extends the correct base class (e.g. Page or UserControl)".

    The pages appear in Visual Studio Solution Explorer as parent and child. I've Googled and tried different combinations of "Class Name" and "Inherits" values, I've added a Namespace, and I've cleared the VWDWebCache folder and rebuilt the web. I know I must be missing something basic. Can anyone help? Thanks.

    Control declaration:
    <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Explicit="True" CodeFile="HSA_inr_modal.ascx.vb"  Inherits="hstoneArtGallery" %>

    Beginning of code behind:

    Imports System
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.IO.Directory
    Imports System.Web
    Imports System.Data


    Partial Class hstoneArtGallery
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page






    Veteran Member

      I think the editor deleted some of the code you posted? 

      Tjep's digital agencyRegards,
      Tycho de Waard

      Tjep's digital agency
      We just love DNN

      Veteran Member

        If you try to write a module, you should inherit the partial class from PortalModuleBase.

        Happy DNNing!

        Michael Tobisch

        dnnWerk Austria
        DNN Connect

        New Around Here

          Actually, I left it out. I figured that the code inside the Class tags would be of little interest. Here's the code:

          Imports System
          Imports System.IO
          Imports System.IO.Directory
          Imports System.Web
          Imports System.Data

          Partial Class HstoneArtGallery
              Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

              Function ImportTextFile(ByVal strTextFileName As String) As String
                  Dim strTextFilePath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Server.MapPath(Me.ToString)) & "\notes\"
                  Dim strReturnedText As String
                  Using sr As New StreamReader(strTextFilePath & strTextFileName)

                      strReturnedText = sr.ReadToEnd()
                  End Using

                  Return strReturnedText

              End Function

              Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

                  Dim strPathToImagesFolder As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Server.MapPath(Me.ToString)) & "\images\"       'declares path to images folder
                  Dim strFileSystemEntryImage As String
                  Dim arrGetFiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(strPathToImagesFolder)     'sets up array of files in image folder
                  Dim arrFileNames() As String
                  Dim strFileName As String
                  Dim strCleanedFilename As String
                  Dim arrAltTitleTag As Array
                  Dim strAltTitleTag As String
                  Dim intNameCounter As Integer
                  Dim imgAltTag As String
                  intNameCounter = 0

                  Dim imgID As String

                  Dim strThumbnailsMaker As New StringBuilder
                  Dim strMainImageStack As New StringBuilder
                  For Each strFileSystemEntryImage In arrGetFiles

                      arrFileNames = Split(strFileSystemEntryImage, "\")          'splits strFileSystemEntryImage on backslash
                      strFileName = arrFileNames(arrFileNames.Length - 1)
                      strCleanedFilename = WriteFileInfo(strFileName)
                      imgAltTag = strCleanedFilename.Replace("<i>", "")
                      imgAltTag = imgAltTag.Replace("</i>", "")
                      imgAltTag = imgAltTag.Replace("""", "")

                      arrAltTitleTag = Split(strFileName, "!")

                      imgID = "ID_" & intNameCounter.ToString

                      strAltTitleTag = arrAltTitleTag(1) & " by " & arrAltTitleTag(2)
                      strAltTitleTag = strAltTitleTag.Replace("_", " ")

                      strThumbnailsMaker.Append("<li class=""thumbnailHolder"">")
                      strThumbnailsMaker.Append("<a href=""#"" id =""" & intNameCounter.ToString & "_link"">")

                      strThumbnailsMaker.Append("<figure id=""" & intNameCounter.ToString & """  class=""mainImage"" ><img  src=""images/" & strFileName & """ alt=""" & imgAltTag & """ />")
                      strThumbnailsMaker.Append("<figcaption> <p class=""imgInfo" & imgID & """>" & strCleanedFilename & "</p>")
                      strThumbnailsMaker.Append("<p class=""imgStory"">" & ImportTextFile(intNameCounter & ".txt") & "</p></figcaption></figure>")
                      intNameCounter += 1
                  thumbnailsPanel.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(strThumbnailsMaker.ToString))

              End Sub

              Private Function WriteFileInfo(ByVal strFilenameInfo As String) As String
                  Dim arrSplitOnExclamation() As String
                  Dim strToReturn As New StringBuilder
                  If InStr(strFilenameInfo, "!") > 0 Then
                      strFilenameInfo = strFilenameInfo.Replace("_", " ")
                      arrSplitOnExclamation = Split(strFilenameInfo, "!")
                      Dim arrLastValue() As String
                      arrLastValue = Split(arrSplitOnExclamation(5), ".")
                      strToReturn.Append("</i>, ")
                      strToReturn.Append(", ")
                      strToReturn.Append(", ")
                      arrSplitOnExclamation(4) = Replace(arrSplitOnExclamation(4), "in", """")
                      strToReturn.Append(", ")
                      strToReturn.Append(" ")
                  End If
                  Return strToReturn.ToString
              End Function

          End Class


          Here's the Control statement at the top of the ascx file:

          <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Explicit="True" CodeFile="HSA_inr_modal.ascx.vb" Inherits="HstoneArtGallery" %>


          New Around Here

            I changed:

            Partial Class HstoneArtGallery
                Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


            Partial Class HstoneArtGallery
                Inherits PortalModuleBase

            and the error remained. I probably didn't do that exactly right.

            I'm not trying to write a module, just a page template.





            Veteran Member

              Posted By Britomart on 10 Aug 2022 05:37 PM

              I changed:


              I'm not trying to write a module, just a page template.

              In that case I would recommend to have a look at one of the multi-purpose modules like OpenContent or 2sxc. It should be easy to achieve your goal with one of these if you're familiar with HTML and JavaScript.

              Happy DNNing!

              Michael Tobisch

              dnnWerk Austria
              DNN Connect

              New Around Here

                I couldn't get OpenContent or 2sxc to install; they both went to 95% and stalled. I contacted the host to verify that I had space and checked the web.config and DNN setting to verify that the files weren't too big, still didn't work. I've been trying to figure it out with no luck. I've tried simplified layouts and inline code instead of code-behind. Any attempt to run VB code on any of the test pages generates error "Could Not Load Theme: /Portals/_default/skins/hstoneartskin/hsa_gallerygen.ascx, Error: Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.portals__default_skins_hstoneartskin_hsa_gallerygen_ascx' to type 'DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin'. I've been trying to track that one down without much luck. I have no idea what "Unable to cast object of type" means, and I could find few references on line.
                I'm running DNN 9.10.02 in a clean install with a new host.
                Here's the admin log entry:

                DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke










                Message:Unhandled error loading page.


                InnerMessage:Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.portals__default_skins_hstoneartskin_hsa_gallerygen_ascx' to type 'DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin'.


                at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc)
                at DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin.LoadSkin(PageBase page, String skinPath)






                Server Name: web809

                What do I do next? Thanks.
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