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Lightbox Gallery error

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New Around Here

    Hi All i seem to be having a problem adding a gallery it gives the below error,



    DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke








    UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/113.0.1774.50


    Message:Could not load file or assembly 'DotNetNuke.Web.Deprecated' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.




    InnerMessage:Could not load file or assembly 'DotNetNuke.Web.Deprecated' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


       at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseString(String text, VirtualPath virtualPath, Encoding fileEncoding)
       at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseFile(String physicalPath, VirtualPath virtualPath)
       at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseInternal()
       at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.Parse()
       at System.Web.Compilation.BaseTemplateBuildProvider.get_CodeCompilerType()
       at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider.GetCompilerTypeFromBuildProvider(BuildProvider buildProvider)
       at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.ProcessBuildProviders()
       at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.PerformBuild()
       at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath)
       at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate)
       at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate)
       at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath)
       at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc)
       at DotNetNuke.ModulePipeline.ModuleControlPipeline.LoadModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration)
       at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadModuleControl()




    Veteran Member

      Sounds like there is a Telerik dependency in this module (Could not load file or assembly 'DotNetNuke.Web.Deprecated'...) and you removed Telerik. Please check if there is a newer version of the module.

      Happy DNNing!

      Michael Tobisch

      dnnWerk Austria
      DNN Connect

      Veteran Member

        As Will is now travelling: there is a version https://github.com/WillSt...nextensions/releases here.


        Tjep's digital agencyRegards,
        Tycho de Waard

        Tjep's digital agency
        We just love DNN

        Veteran Member

          Posted By Tycho de Waard (SU) on 5/22/2023 7:04 AM

          As Will is now travelling: there is a version https://github.com/WillSt...nextensions/releases here.


          Thank you both!  I've been traveling and getting acclimated to the very different time zone, in preparation for the DNN-Connect conference.  

          There is indeed a newer version that no longer has a dependence on Telerik, linked below. 



          New Around Here

            Thank you all for the reply.


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