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Issue inserting data using IRepository to insert data with Guid(Uniqueidentifier) as the primary key

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    I have a table with Guid(i.e. Uniqueidentifier) as the primary key. When I try to insert a new row with IRepository I am getting the following error, even though I am filling in FolderUid , which is the primary key, property with a new Guid:

    Error message:

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'FolderUid', table 'xxx'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    My Code:

    using (IDataContext db = DataContext.Instance()) {
                    IRepository<FolderData> fileRepo = db.GetRepository<FolderData>();
                    folderData.FolderUid= Guid.NewGuid();

    How can I fix the issue?

    Senior Member

      Hello Ana: 

      It sounds like you may be using the DNN DAL 2 feature that utilizes PetaPoco under the covers.  I don't think that it supports using a GUID as a primary key.  However, I've gotten around this in the past by having two key fields.  First is a traditional int (PK), and then another that is used by the code as the PK but it's a GUID.  It takes a few more minutes to wire up in your controller class(es), but it's a one and done thing.  

      If you don't want to use this workaround, you're not limited to the DNN DAL options.  You can use any other ORM that you wish.  If it can work in .NET, it can work in DNN.  (That is, assuming it's one that newer versions of .NET can also run.)  This includes the most popular option that I see, Entity Framework, but we also use Dapper a lot, for example.  

      Veteran Member

        If you happen to look into Entity Framework (EF), there are many flavors. For use with DNN, you'd want to use EF6.

        David Poindexter


        Advanced Member

          You can use EFCore but only up to v3.1 as they dropped .NetStrandard compatibility after that version. There are pros and cons for EF6 vs EFCore but so far I have used EF6 in most DNN extensions after balancing the pros and cons.

          You can read more about all the supported features to decide here https://learn.microsoft.c...s/ef/efcore-and-ef6/

          And if you need both EF6 and EFCore in the same project that is possible too :)
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