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Migrate DNN to SharePoint

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    We are planning to migrate the DNN to SharePoint Online, Kindly help us to get the right tool or share any migration approach .

    Thank you

    Veteran Member

      I honestly would not know why you would do that... It is a bit like migrating your kitchen to the bathroom. Both are meant for very different scenario's...
      Sharepoint is great for document management. It is totally unfit as a CMS for websites or applications.
      This is a lesson most of us learned in 2000 - 2010. If any, the migration was always from Sharepoint to a CMS, not the other way around. If the website is smaller than 100 pages, I would grab a cup of coffee and start copy-pasting.
      Tjep's digital agencyRegards,
      Tycho de Waard

      Tjep's digital agency
      We just love DNN

      Veteran Member

        I can't agree more strongly with Tycho's comments. Except I probably would be much less polite.
        Joe Craig
        DNN MVP
        Patapsco Research Group

        Veteran Member

          I can't but agree with Tycho...

          Except: You are using DNN only as a document management system (with DMX or something alike). And then I would go into Tycho's Copy&Paste proposal...

          Happy DNNing!

          Michael Tobisch

          dnnWerk Austria
          DNN Connect

          Veteran Member

            @Jagan first of all, welcome to the DNN Community!

            You are already hearing from some people with great experience over the years. What exactly are you attempting to migrate? Just documents? Pages of content? Design? Something else?

            This is somewhat of a strange use case for most in this community. Many have implemented Sharepoint integrations with DNN. Is that perhaps what you are looking to accomplish?

            David Poindexter


            Veteran Member

              There's no such thing as a productized tool for migrating from DNN to SharePoint. Almost always, migrating from and to any platform is a very unique and time-consuming endeavor. It almost always requires building one or many tools to aid with the migration.

              Advanced Member

                I'm with Tycho on this one, we're talking about two completely different animals. I've seen businesses using SharePoint as Content Management System but in the long horn it's going to cut your wings some how in the future. 

                Ing. Marco Alvarado Gómez MSc | Globalode
                Phone. +506 6049-1880 | WhatsApp. +506 6049-1880 | Email. [email protected]
                Address. Costa Rica (A Pura Vida place!).
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