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SQL page load performance

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New Around Here

    Hello all. I have inhereted an outdated DNN site... tere is a module which loads data from an SQL (2016) table that is on the larger side. This table contains inventory, so it can't really be shrunk in any way. The DB Performance is really good. Other applications (NAV) can load the same table in 3-5 seconds.

    For instance: The page displays the first 10 results of around 6500 records, so there's a total of 650 pages. This takes 30+ seconds to load and makes users grumpy and they like to whine. 

    My thoughts to speed up would be something like:

    • Cache this table data and update it every 10-15 min?
    • Dynamicly load the data... It doesn't display untill it's ALL loaded, can it display page 1 and then contine loading in the background?

    If anyone has a suggestion I would like to hear them! Thank you.

    Veteran Member


      these articles are a bit old, but they should give you the idea of how to load only the records needed to display on one page (which makes the thing more efficient and faster, as not all records are returned from SQL Server):

      ScottGu's Blog - Efficient Data Paging and Sorting with ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL 2005

      Happy DNNing!

      Michael Tobisch

      dnnWerk Austria
      DNN Connect

      Veteran Member

        loading 6500 rows should not take 30 secs, unless each row is rather large (> 11 KB) or it takes time for the database to fetch the rows. did you monitor execution of the query using SQL Server Profiler or Activity Monitor?

        New Around Here

          Michael, Thank you but the article pertaining to SQL is dead. 

          Sabastian, All of the monitoring seems to be withing reason. There's tons or RAM and resources available. As I mentioned before, it loads right up to a Microsoft NAV client, but seems to take forever to post to IIS.

          Veteran Member

            Hi again,

            sorry about this... the basic idea is to create a stored procedure and pass the page number and the number of rows to get only the data that will be actually displayed on the page.

            Here is an example:

            CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetProductsByCategoryId]
               @CategoryId INT,
               @PageIndex INT,
               @NumRows INT,
               @CategoryName nvarchar(50) OUTPUT,
               @CategoryProductCount INT OUTPUT
                  The below statements enable returning the Total Product Count and friendly Name for the CategoryId
                  as output paramsters to our SPROC. This enables us to avoid having to make a separate call to the
                  database to retrieve them, and can help improve performance quite a bit

               SELECT @CategoryProductCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products WHERE Products.CategoryId = @CategoryId)
               SELECT @CategoryName = (SELECT Name FROM Categories WHERE Categories.CategoryID = @CategoryId)

                  The below statements use the new ROW_NUMBER() function in SQL 2005 and later to return only
                  the specified rows we want to retrieve from the Products table

               DECLARE @startRowIndex int;
               SET @startRowIndex = (@PageIndex * @NumRows) + 1;

               WITH ProductEntries AS (
                     ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProductId ASC) AS Row,
                  FROM Products
                  WHERE CategoryId=@CategoryId

               SELECT ProductId, CategoryId, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost
               FROM ProductEntries
               WHERE Row BETWEEN @startRowIndex AND @StartRowIndex + @NumRows-1


            I hope this gives you the idea of how to handle it. What you need is:

            • current page number
            • total number of records
            • number of records per page

            Happy DNNing!

            Michael Tobisch

            dnnWerk Austria
            DNN Connect

            Veteran Member

              Posted By JKeller on 17 Feb 2022 08:39 AM


              For instance: The page displays the first 10 results of around 6500 records, so there's a total of 650 pages. This takes 30+ seconds to load and makes users grumpy and they like to whine. 

              this sounds more like a timeout than a performance problem of SQL or IIS server. 


              New Around Here

                Right, I'm juggleing two differernt problems. People complaining it takes too long, and when it does take over 30 seconds it times out.

                I have searched high and low to find the reason for a hard 30s timeout but I can't find anything. I've tried a 100 different things so far!

                w3wp.exe seems to be the processes that throws the error.

                Veteran Member

                  a timeout happens, if the database doesn't return expected result or really has performance issues. But if you don't experience this issue using the same query from a different application there must be a problem in the code of your module.

                  Growing Member

                    I second Sebastians thoughts - perhaps other applications using 'this' statement are missing a specific column? Perhaps an index have been created for 'this' select statement - but you have included an extra column which is not part of the index? If this is the case the performance will take a big hit since the SQL server will have to extract the data from the table instead of the index.

                    This can usually be determined by monitoring the SQL server while DNN is extracting the data (using the activity monitor in SSMS - see Active Expensive Queries or Recent Expensive Queries). Catch the executed select statement and try executing it in SSMS with the execution plan option enabled (Ctrl+M). This will give you a detailed view of where the performance bottleneck is - and whether the SQL have any impact on it!

                    If the SQL is not the bottleneck it is most likely the architecture/technology of the module you need to look into.. but that will require having access to the source code.

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