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WebApi fails to write cookie

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Growing Member

    I am building a custom login module to redirect the user to different pages based on the "type" of user. Users may be in certain roles or not a DNN user at all.

    I write a cookie to be read by a module on the target page denoting the type of user along with some other info.

    If the user is a non DNN user the cookie is written as expected.

    If the user is a DNN user, and logged in successfully, the cookie fails to write. Checking the Network tab in FF, the cookie is not in the response header.

    Login is done with:

        var loginStatus = UserLoginStatus.LOGIN_FAILURE;
        UserController.UserLogin(portalid, username, password, "", "", ipAddress, ref loginStatus, false);
    If I comment out UserController.UserLogin(... and return Login.SUCCESS, the cookie is written successfully. Checking the Network tab in FF, the cookie is in the response header.

    The response header is created using:

        HttpResponseMessage respMessage = new HttpResponseMessage();

        respMessage.Content = new ObjectContent(retVal, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
        Logger.Debug("=== Add Cookie   ======================================================");
        respMessage.Headers.AddCookies(new CookieHeaderValue[] { BuildCookie(cookiedata) });

        Logger.Debug("=== End Validate User   =================================================");

        return respMessage;

    Why does successful login in of a DNN user stop the cookie been written? Is there something else I need to do? Should I pass data between pages in some other way? Is IMC (Inter Module Communication) still a thing? In this instance IMC is not an option, for now, as the module on the target pages expects a cookie.


    EDIT: As far as I recall, IMC is for modules on the same page.


    Veteran Member

      I don't recall having any issues writing cookies with similar code. We even do that with Hotcakes.
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