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6 Replies and 3252 Views Create pages from outside DNN     3252 6 Started by Chris Wollesen I&39;m working on building my own migration tool to move our sites from SharePoint 2013 into DNN/EVOQ. I already have the tool extracting the path, filename, page summary, and page content. What I&39;m trying to work on now is it&39;s ability to create a matching page in DNN for that content. I found a previous article here http://burnignorance.com/net-development-tips/dynamically-creating-tabs-and-adding-modules-in-dotnetnuke/ which talks about it a little bit, but it doesn&39;t go into ...
6 3252
by Joe CraigJump to last post
9/18/2019 3:35 PM
2 Replies and 2346 Views Service Framework missing     2346 2 Started by Declan Ward An Angular module calling the DNN ServiceFramework on load to get AntiforgeryToken, ModuleID etc. Whetere a user is logged in or not, and a Gravity Theme applied to the page, the module works as expected. With the client&39;s theme the module fails to get a context for a ServiceFramework and hence fails. If a Host or Admin user is logged in, the ServiceFramework is available and the module works. I have compared the theme files and cannot see what is missing in the client&39;s them...
2 2346
by Declan WardJump to last post
9/2/2019 3:37 AM
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