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How to access to DNN objects from separate app ?

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New Around Here

    Hi there !

    I was able to successfully implement the use of my business application as part of DNN v.07.04.02: I have a page with an iFrame module containing a link to my business application hosted on the same server. I use DNN authorization, and in the application I can get the username using Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name, because I use Single Sign On (SHARED AUTHENTICATION).

    The question is: can I access DNN objects of the current session such as UserInfo, etc., from my application? For example, I would like to get a link to a photo from a user's profile in my application.

    Thanks !

    Veteran Member


      welcome to the DNN Community!

      This should be possible using the Web API. I am not a specialist for that, but you should find enough documentation here: https://dnndocs.com/

      Happy DNNing!

      Michael Tobisch

      dnnWerk Austria
      DNN Connect

      New Around Here

        Posted By Michael Tobisch on 07 Oct 2020 08:40 AM


        welcome to the DNN Community!

        This should be possible using the Web API. I am not a specialist for that, but you should find enough documentation here: https://dnndocs.com/

        Happy DNNing!

        Thanks, Michael, I'll try to solve my task via Web API. Looks very similar to use RESTfull web-services.


        Veteran Member

          DNNSharp has a DNN API Endpoint module that is a "RESTful easy-to-use APIs builder with little to no coding." The price is equivalent to a couple of hours of labor, and lets you get on to creating the APIs that you need, without needing to dig into the DNN details.

          You might want to give it a look, particularly as there is a free trial version available.
          Joe Craig
          DNN MVP
          Patapsco Research Group
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