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    This “group” started with a conversation Peter Donker and I had about the lack of release testing done by the community. We concluded that the current situation, asking users to test a release in a blog post, has not been very successful as there hasn't been a lot of feedback by testers.

    Probably a lot of testers do the same tests.
    We both felt that a bit of structure and guidance and could improve testing (results) a lot.
    During our workshop / discussion at DNN Connect 2019 a lot of good ideas came up.
    Currently we are investigating what kind of release test are in place and what the community can add to that.

    Test types:
    - Unit tests (code, part of the release process)
    - End 2 End (E2E) tests (scripts that run in the browser and test user interaction)
    - Human testing (which is what this all started with)

    Human testing is where we could really use the help of the community.
    If we can automate Human tests to an E2E test, that would be very nice.
    But our main goal would be to get to a set of tests and collect the feedback of testers.

    If you want to contribute to testing or have suggestion, subscribe to this forum and introduce yourself (what you would like to contribute etc.)
    I will make sure this thread contains the latest status of this project.

    Veteran Member

      Count me in Timo - thanks for spearheading this effort!

      David Poindexter


      New Around Here

        Hi. How can I help.
        Pete Goode
        UX & Vaquisher of Unneccessary Clicks

        Advanced Member

          Thanks. Count me in also :)
          Mariette Knap
          Microsoft MVP Alumni

          New Around Here

            I'm game as well. Are there any test scripts ? (Not .js but just in some form of documents.) Don't have to be very detailed, in headlines would be enough.

            I'm sure someone must have some.

            Veteran Member

              Posted By Martijn Goedings on 25 Jun 2019 02:12 AM
              I'm game as well. Are there any test scripts ? (Not .js but just in some form of documents.) Don't have to be very detailed, in headlines would be enough.

              I'm sure someone must have some.

              Right that's exactly what Peter asked DNN corp for.



              New Around Here

                I'll see what I can get. During the last TAG group meeting David (from DNN Corp) showed what they have in TestRail. TestRail is a tool that doesn't do any testing itself. It's basically an administration tool to check who did which test, when etc. And to plan releases and define a bunch of tests to be run.

                The tests themselves were "simple" scripts with expected results. So "Log in as admin", "Open Users on PersonaBar", etc. All with screenshots. AFAIK there were no automated tools linked to this at all.

                The offer by DNN Corp was to make these scripts available to the community. But as Ash pointed out most were designed for Evoq and the screenshots are of Evoq. However, we may get some help from them to convert some to Platform.

                The first thing to do, however, is to decide whether we will go down this route. I.e. what tool will we use for this? I think that discussion comes first. TestRail can export these tests in some XML format so maybe we could even find a way to convert these to another system of our liking.

                Given Daniel Mettler's interest in the area of "recipes" for DNN, my gut feeling is that he is in the best position to move this part of testing forward.

                As to the immediate question: can you make a test available. These forums are great for discussion but there is no shared repo of documents I can use for this. So we'd also need to solve that if I got my hands on a few tests. Thoughts?

                New Around Here

                  I think even the structure of those scripts will kickstart us. Wouldn't the https://www.dnndocs.com site be good a place for the test scripts ?

                    Count on me for testing ;-)

                    Senior Member

                      Posted By Martijn Goedings on 25 Jun 2019 05:19 AM
                      I think even the structure of those scripts will kickstart us. Wouldn't the https://www.dnndocs.com site be good a place for the test scripts ?

                      I like this idea.
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