Hi all, All users from my websites had been permanently deleted, these users had a re-occuring payment via paypal. Each Payment would send a notification to the website, extending a expiry date for the subscription role on that user. The Unique identifier is the "UserID".
Once a user is deleted the UserID is gone. I can create a user via SQL scipt below - I then update DBO.profile, DBO.userprofile, DBO.Userportal,DBO.Userroles. - which shows the profile in DNN. But when I try to login to a user - i'm having password Issues. Any help is much appricated!!!!
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Users ON INSERT INTO dbo.Users (UserID, Username, FirstName, LastName, IsSuperUser, AffiliateId, Email, DisplayName, UpdatePassword, LastIPAddress, IsDeleted, CreatedByUserID, CreatedOnDate, LastModifiedByUserID, LastModifiedOnDate, PasswordResetToken, PasswordResetExpiration) VALUES ( 01, '[email protected]', 'name', 'name', 0, NULL, 'Email@email', 'Name', 0, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);Go
How do I set a password or send a password reset link for a user created via SQL? Is there another table i am missing?
Hi, this is not an easy task, anyway, it should be possible. A while ago I created an SQL script that generates 999 users for testing purposes (GitHub - MaiklT/GenerateDNNTestUsers: An SQL script to create 999 Test Users for DNN), have a look at it, it should give you the idea.
To create a password (I used the same for all users), you have to create a user the "normal" way and use the password hash and salt in the aspnet_membership table.
Don't forget to restart the application pool when you're done - and I would strongly recommend to try this in a testing environment (copy of your web site) before you do it in production. And always create a backup before you do it, in the testing environment as well as in the production environment.
Happy DNNing! Michael
The script is only meant for creating users in a testing environment, it is not an example of how to create a user using SQL (even if is doing exactly this). In a production environment you should use the API.
To create a custom registration form you can either follow the steps described here: Replacing Registration page with custom and blocking the default Register Page (dnnsoftware.com) or use a third-party module, eg Action Form - Custom DNN Forms | DNN Sharp.
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