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Help with SQL Query

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Growing Member

    I am using DNN Platform and I need help with an SQL query I am trying to run using the DNN SQL Console.

    I need to change a small block of code that is used in several locations throughout the website. So I am trying to write an SQL query that searches the htmltext table for modules that still contain the block of code in the content field as I have changes it in a few locations already. Here is the query

    Select moduleid from htmltext where content like 'codeblock'

    The problem is that the table htmltext keeps the historical versions of the module. So if I already changed it in module 600 and module 600 has 5 total versions (versions 1-5) it will show module 600 4 times (version 1-4). None of these are the current version (version 5) of the module though.

    So I need to change the query to only search the latest version of the modules in the htmltext table.

    Anyone know how to change the query to accomplish this?

    Growing Member

      try GROUP BY to group by the module id and then HAVING version=MAX(version)
      or something along those lines - I would check this for you if I had more time just now - hopefully this gets you on the right lines

      Veteran Member

        Select T.moduleID
        FROM HTMLText T
        JOIN (SELECT ModuleID, max(versionID) as latestVersion FROM HTMLText GROUP BY ModuleID) AS S ON T.ModuleID = S.ModuleID AND T.Version = S.Version
        WHERE T.content like 'codeblock'

        Veteran Member

          In addition to Sebastian (and correcting one or two typos in his script): If you use the SQL Console in DNN, you might need the "DNN-SQL-Syntax", which is then:

          SELECT T.ModuleID
          FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}HtmlText T
          INNER JOIN (SELECT ModuleID, MAX([Version]) as LatestVersion FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}HtmlText GROUP BY ModuleID) AS S ON T.ModuleID = S.ModuleID AND T.Version = S.LatestVersion
          WHERE T.Content LIKE '%codeblock%'

          Please keep in mind that the content is stored HTML-encoded - so replace < by &lt;, > by &gt;, " by &quot; etc.

          Happy DNNing!


          Michael Tobisch

          dnnWerk Austria
          DNN Connect

          Growing Member

            Great thanks for the help. Worked great.

            Growing Member

              I was able to get the query I needed with the help provided above. Works great now.
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