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Add captcha to form

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    I've got a DNN 9.13 site: I need to add a captcha (the basic version where user insert a text from an image is good too). What is the best way to do?

    I read this post: Recaptcha V3 - DNN Open Source Community - Forums - Using DNN (dnncommunity.org) , but is still valid (year 2019)?

    This is my test after some googling time, I edit my .ASCX file and add

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="Label" Src="~/controls/LabelControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" Assembly="DotNetNuke" Namespace="DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls"%>

    <div id="divCaptcha" runat="server" class="dnnFormItem">
        <dnn:label id="plCaptcha" controlname="ctlCaptcha" runat="server" />
        <dnn:captchacontrol id="ctlCaptcha" captchawidth="130" captchaheight="40" runat="server" errorstyle-cssclass="dnnFormMessage dnnFormError" />

    If I insert a wrong captcha code, I receive an error UI message. How can check the captcha validity in server side after a submit post?




    Senior Member

      You could indeed integrate with and use the built-in CAPTCHA control, if you wish.  However, this feature hasn't been updated in many years and other third-party CAPTCHA controls do a far better job. 

      When integrating the third-party CAPTCHA controls, you generally can just follow their instructions on how to integrate it into your DNN extension.  Most often, their instructions work just fine without requiring any workarounds that often can be required when building plugins for platforms like DNN.   

      Veteran Member

        Posted By Will Strohl on 5/2/2024 11:37 AM

        You could indeed integrate with and use the built-in CAPTCHA control, if you wish.  However, this feature hasn't been updated in many years and other third-party CAPTCHA controls do a far better job. 

        When integrating the third-party CAPTCHA controls, you generally can just follow their instructions on how to integrate it into your DNN extension.  Most often, their instructions work just fine without requiring any workarounds that often can be required when building plugins for platforms like DNN.   

        Will, I am curious to hear your thoughts on someone updating the DNN core functionality to utilize a modern CAPTCHA solution (e.g., reCAPTCHA v3). 

        Furthermore, I wonder if there is anyone that would be willing to sponsor such an enhancement.

        I realize maintenance is always a concern for DNN Platform, but leaving this legacy CAPTCHA in place feels a bit irresponsible.  Thoughts?

        David Poindexter


        Senior Member

          I've always been a fan of this idea.  It comes back up as a topic every few years.  Though, I was always a fan of maybe making it a provider, instead, with the default being ReCAPTCHA.  There are a lot of alternatives out there.  I've created a few different work items for this over the years, depending one which "tracker" we were using at the time.  It always gets deleted after it goes stale, but it will come back again, eventually...  

          Veteran Member

            I agree that this could have been updated as the current Captcha does not help a lot and has issues (One character missing in the image IIRC)
            A provider would be nice, but replacing the current one with ReCAPTCHA would fine too IMO.

            Veteran Member

              Do you all know anyone that may be willing to sponsor (even if a little bit) such an improvement to DNN Platform? If so, I may be able to handle this after the initial release of DNN 10.

              David Poindexter


              Senior Member

                I don't, currently.  But, I'm also a bit distracted with projects right now to think of anyone specific. 🤔 

                New Around Here

                  Thanks for all suggestions: I decide to use Cloudflare CAPTCHA
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