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Newsfeed Module

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Growing Member

    I have installed the NewFeed module for pulling RSS feeds. I now want to use it to pull an ATOM feed from Environment Canada, but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Am I missing something?

    Tried a couple of the feeds off this site but none work.


    Senior Member

      If you provide the steps you followed and the link to the ATOM feed, we might be able to try to help you.

      In the meantime, please do not post spam links, or you will be banned. Sorry for having to be blunt. :(

      Growing Member

        I added the Newsfeed module to the page.

        Clicked Edit NewsFeeds, then Add Feed

        For the feed I entered https://weather.gc.ca/rss...ttleboard/sk27_e.xml

        Left all other settings as the default. Except changed the Feed Transformation option to "ATOM 1.0 Tranformation"

        For the module settings I didn't change anything


        Senior Member

          What version of the module are you using?  Also, what version of DNN?  Is it DNN Platform or Evoq?  

          Growing Member

            Module is version 5.0.1

            Using DNN Platform

            I think I found the issue however. I was testing this on my demo server and apparently I didn't have TLS 1.2 enabled on my demo server. I enabled this and it appears to be working now.

            Senior Member

              Ah!  Yes, that will be necessary on any newer server that is getting configured.  Whenever I need to do this, the tool below is my favorite to be sure I don't accidentally make any human errors.  (And it's free!)


              Growing Member

                This still doesn't seem to be working properly for ATOM feeds. Here is what I am doing;
                Step 1: When I add the feed to the module by going into "Edit News feeds" I leave the "Feed Transformation" set to "Use Default Transformation".
                Step 2: Then I go into module settings and on the tab for "News Module Setting" I can select any XSL transformation.
                The above appears to work and show the feed. However the feed links are not working.
                I believe the issue is that the XML File is an ATOM file so under each entry the "link" line doesn't just contain an href, it includes both a type and href attribute. And the XSL Transformation files are taking the link assuming it is just the HREF.
                Going into Step 1 and changing the Feed Transformation to "Atom 1.0 Tranformation" doesn't work at all as it doesn't load anything.
                Any ideas
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