I am setting up a DDR menu in 9.2 and I am only able to display either the entire menu (all visible pages) or the children of the current page. I have used Node selection expression = "RootChildren" or "CurrentChildren" but all other expressions I have tried do not work. I am trying to display all pages that are on the same level as the current page, so display all children of the current page's parent only.
You may find this useful: https://www.dnnsoftware.c...menu-reference-guide
This may also be somewhere in the new DNNDocs website, but I didn't find it quickly.
This may be what you are looking for: NodeSelector="+0" (I stole this from a website that, I think, does what you want.)
I find it convenient to drop the module version of the DDR Menu onto a page for experimentation. For simplicity use the ULTokens menu and experiment with the NodeSelector parameter
Posted By Catherine Foss on 01 Jul 2019 04:29 PM I am setting up a DDR menu in 9.2 and I am only able to display either the entire menu (all visible pages) or the children of the current page. I have used Node selection expression = "RootChildren" or "CurrentChildren" but all other expressions I have tried do not work. I am trying to display all pages that are on the same level as the current page, so display all children of the current page's parent only.
We created a (free) DDR demo skin with loads of examples. I think you need this to show the current page's siblings:
<dnn:menu menustyle="Menus/02.01-DDR-XSLT-UL-Classes" nodeselector="-1,0,0" runat="server">
Demo: https://demo.40fingers.ne...DR-Menu-NodeSelector
FYI - The DDRMenu documentation has since been moved to and is maintained on the DNNDocs website. :)
The link is 404. Where are the current docs?
Are the pages you want to display also hidden from the menu? Meaning, when you created the page(s) - is the "display in menu" switch on?
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