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Install Wizard can't find database connection

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    Using nvQuickSite to install dnn 9.9.1 on Windows Server 2016 in a domain with a local SQL Express 2017 database. 

    nvQuickSite installed, the site and database, but when the dnn Installation Wizard starts, the database section, displays a message box:

           No valid default database connection detected. Standard Database setup option is unavailable

           Database Connection Error

    Changing the radio button from default to custom, has no affect.

    The connection string ( wrapped in angle brackets) in the web.config is

    add name="SiteSqlServer"  connectionString="Server=ServerName;Database=DatabaseName;User ID=DBUser;Password=dbUserPwd" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" 

    Using SSMS, I can connect to the database using the credentials in the web config file. The user has dbo access to the database. The created database appears empty.

    I checked folder permissions for the nvQuickSite created app pool, it has read/write/modify access to the website directory 

    .Net version 4.7.2 installed on server.

    I have deleted and recreated with nvQuickSite a couple of times, with the same result. 

    Any ideas of other thinds to try?


    Veteran Member

      By default, SQL Serer express installs a named instance and the connection string would be "server=".\sqlexpress;database=..."

      New Around Here

        Thank you Sebastian for the reply,

        I tried changing the server name to the default name instance. With that set, calling the install wizard results in an application error. Resetting it back to server name, the install wizard loads.

        I copied the connection string with the server name to another application and was able to connect to the database. I believe my database to be good.

        Veteran Member

          ok, if you installed SQL Server Express as default instance, you may use server name (or . for localhost),
          Did you enable TCP/IP protocol for both, SQL server and client? did you double check database name, user name and password?

          New Around Here

            Thanks Sebastian, Yes to all.

            But, your prompting got me thinking in a different direction, client connectivity. When I change the radio button for the SQL connection from Default to Custom, nothing happened, the error message remained. Not being familiar enough with the install wizard, I did not recognize this as a browser problem. I have been running the install on the Windows Server 2016 default browser ( a version of IE, that I can't identify ) . Apparently, that browser does not like the Install Wizard, when I connected via Chrome from a remote machine, same error for the default database, but changing the option button to custom allowed me to enter the correct database credentials and the install wizard ran as expected.

            Thanks again for the help.

            Veteran Member

              When the Installation Wizard appears, choose "Custom" as the database connection. If you specified "Windows Authentication" for the SQL connection, then choose "Integrated" in the custom section. Make sure that the correct SQL server is specified, along with the correct database. The should be pre-filled by nvQuickSite, you can correct them if needed.
              Joe Craig
              DNN MVP
              Patapsco Research Group

              New Around Here

                Thanks Joe.

                Turns out this was a server browser compatibility problem, not displaying the Custom settings of the install wizard. Using Chrome from a remote workstation, displayed the Custom settings properly and allowed the installation to complete.

                Veteran Member

                  I am glad you were able to soft it out and install DNN successfully.
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