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Adding Users when you are not a Superuser

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New Around Here


    There used to be an excellent module on the DNN Store that allowed you to bulk upload users, which was very useful when you did not want to give full admin rights to a user

    This module is no longer available and the previous version does not work with V9 and above.

    I've used SQL profiler to find find the Stored Procedures that run when a user is manually added, but there is obviously something going on behind the scenes e.g.

    declare @p12 uniqueidentifier
    set @p12='EC9D3AD1-FB87-4B7A-AD03-CB37A1917C39'
    exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_CreateUser @ApplicationName=N'DotNetNuke',@UserName=N'TestOne',@Password=N'jCWRjKtHvfNjpp0hoFTvP7ctT38=',@PasswordSalt=N'7QUNgLy6Ttyqm3d++aSUeQ==',@Email=N'[email protected]',@PasswordQuestion=NULL,@PasswordAnswer=NULL,@IsApproved=1,@UniqueEmail=0,@PasswordFormat=1,@CurrentTimeUtc='2021-11-07 15:56:40',@UserId=@p12 output
    select @p12
    exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.AddUser @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10',N'@0 int,@1 nvarchar(4000),@2 nvarchar(4000),@3 nvarchar(4000),@4 nvarchar(4000),@5 int,@6 nvarchar(4000),@7 nvarchar(4000),@8 int,@9 int,@10 int',@0=0,@1=N'TestOne',@2=N'Test',@3=N'One',@4=NULL,@5=0,@6=N'[email protected]',@7=N'Test One',@8=0,@9=1,@10=1
    exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.UpdateUserProfileProperty @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6',N'@0 nvarchar(4000),@1 int,@2 int,@3 nvarchar(4000),@4 int,@5 nvarchar(4000),@6 datetime',@0=NULL,@1=2,@2=23,@3=N'Test',@4=0,@5=N'',@6='2021-11-07 15:56:40.557'

    Does anyone know where I can find the documentation to tell me about this.

    If I can  get this information I believe I will be able to allow a Role based site user to Add new Users

    This could be via a form (I use DataSprings Dynamic Forms - many other good alternatives exist) or I could allow the upload of a CSV file.

    Thanks in advance




    Veteran Member

      I created a script for generating 999 Test Users in DNN a while ago - it is available here: MaiklT/GenerateDNNTestUsers: An SQL script to create 999 Test Users for DNN (github.com). This should give you the idea what's going on behind the scenes...

      Happy DNNing!

      Michael Tobisch

      dnnWerk Austria
      DNN Connect

      Veteran Member

        Hi Dave

        I always use a form for this. The action onSubmit is 'add user' and/or 'grant role'.
        ActionForm (DNN Sharp) supports this (might need an add on) and I think Live Forms (Mandeeps) supports this as well. ActionForm has more options but Live Forms has a better price point and is easier to the eye (better UX).
        Tjep's digital agencyRegards,
        Tycho de Waard

        Tjep's digital agency
        We just love DNN

        Senior Member

          Yeah... Only administrators and superusers can add new users by default. 

          Otherwise, you have to use another third-party or custom extension to do that.  I'd always suggest avoiding using a SQL script directly.  Unless you're very familiar with what does and doesn't happen under the covers in DNN, you may be missing steps that the server-side API is doing in addition to the one thing you intended to happen.  

          In the meantime, Mandeeps has a User Management module that has this feature available.  

          New Around Here

            Thank you to everyone for your responses I will investigate and provide feedback :-)

            New Around Here

              Hi Michael

              Just had a very quick look at your script. I believe what you have has given me sufficient information to generate a solution.

              My thoughts are this

              Create a Stored Procedure that Adds say 10 new users to my Portal. Trigger that through the standard Reports module. I can then use a Form type module (Datasprings Dynamic or Action Forms there are many excellent ones out there) to provide my Site "controller" to change the username and Display names to "add" their own users.

              I'll share my solution with you when produced.




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