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How to view server side code?

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    I'm an inexperienced dev and I have been given the task of doing some minor fixes for a legacy DotNetNuke (DNN) 6 website. I know nothing about DNN let alone DNN 6. There is no developer environment. I have access to the server, the database, the IIS folder and webroot etc.

    The issues seem like they should be simple to resolve. e.g. an ajax get request is returning incorrect data from the database.

    However, I cannot see the server side code. I know what url the get request is calling, the parameters etc. But I cannot see how this request is being handled by the server. I need to see which procedures or views are being called. I've been looking at videos but they are mostly installation tutorials and that's really not what I need to know right now.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Veteran Member

      most of the server side code is provided as compiled DLL.
      You would need to create a clone of the site locally on your dev machine (using IIS or IIS Express) and attach the Visual Studio Debugger to the W3WP process.
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