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Full application source code

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    I am new to DNN Platform. I downloaded the Install package and deployed the same in my local IIS server successfully.

    But being a Developer, I am interested in the DNN Platform web application framework source code i.e. the Full application source code. Can anybody help me in understanding and run the full application source code. Any links for understanding documents will also help.


    Dillip Bhaskar

    Advanced Member

      Dilip, that page on dnnsoftware.com is unfortunately quite outdated.  At this point, we maintain all source code and releases on GitHub.  To get the source code, you'll want to clone the build instructions to setup a local site.

      Hope it helps!

      DNN partner specializing in custom, enterprise DNN development https://engagesoftware.com/showcase

      Advanced Member

        I should also note that you don't typically modify the source of DNN Platform when creating a site with it. If you need custom development, you'll use one of the extension mechanisms build into the platform, not modify the platform itself.
        DNN partner specializing in custom, enterprise DNN development https://engagesoftware.com/showcase

        New Around Here

          Hi Brian,
          Thanks for your reply.
          I want a to create a custom module and use it. Can you just elaborate on how to use the extension mechanisms build into the platform to create the same.

          Advanced Member

            Take a look at https://dnndocs.com/conte...xtensions/index.html for some tutorials and documentation. Hope it helps!
            DNN partner specializing in custom, enterprise DNN development https://engagesoftware.com/showcase

            Veteran Member

              Posted By Dillip on 01 Oct 2020 09:40 AM
              Hi Brian,
              Thanks for your reply.
              I want a to create a custom module and use it. Can you just elaborate on how to use the extension mechanisms build into the platform to create the same.


              you don't need the source code of DNN when you develop any kind of extension (module, skin/theme, provider...). Just read the documentation on DNNDocs, and google for blogs etc.

              Anyway, there are some more or less "generic" modules like 2SX or OpenContent that could be used for quite a lot of things, so developing a custom module could be something like re-inventing the wheel.

              Happy DNNing!



              Michael Tobisch

              dnnWerk Austria
              DNN Connect

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                Tycho de Waard

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