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Disable Registration Emails to new Azure Registering Users

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    I have a vanilla install of DNN 9.10.2 using DNN Azure AD Provider v3.1.0 · davidjrh/dnn.azureadprovider on an employees only site.*

    Users are supposed to be able to automatically sign in after authenticating with DUO. This works. 

    However, because I have the Security => Member Accounts => Registration Settings set to public to enable automatic registration of new users accessing the site, I have found it appears that there is no way to turn off the email generated to the new user on the site other than removing the SMPT server setting.

    This is not a favorable solution. Does anyone have an idea of how to retain the ability of users to be able to automatically log on (meaning they have an account created the first time they access the site) etc .. w/o disabling the SMPT server setting?

    * I tried the Release 4.1.0 of the same, however, repeated tries signing in through DUO/Azure authentication and it did not function as advertised. After uninstalling the version 4.1.0 provider and reinstalling the 3.1.0 it functioned with the caveat that there's no way to prevent the user from receiving a new user registration email. 

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