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Google fonts

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New Around Here

    Hello, I administrate the homepage of our little club and I urgently need help, because our homepage is currently loading all fonts from google servers and we are no longer allowed to do this for data protection reasons.

    How can I prevent the fonts from being loaded by google servers? The following link is displayed in the page source text on all pages of our website mgc-suessen.de in the <head> area:

    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway&amp;cdv=207" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/> 

    But I can't find this link to fonts.googleapis.com in any file in the DNN directories. The fonts and necessary CSS entries are all available to me, so I could include them if I knew where to find this link and change it to: http://mgc-suessen-online.de/portals/0/my_fonts

    We use DNN 9.11.00 and the skin 20072-unlimitedcolorspack-054 > homepage7.ascx from dnngo.

    I hope someone can help me, because in Germany it is no longer allowed to load fonts from google-servers for privacy reasons.

    Thanks in advance!


    Veteran Member

      The fonts are loaded by the theme (or theme plugin).
      you can reach out to Linda from DNN Go ([email protected]) and they can help you get the fonts to your webserver and adjust the css 

      Tjep's digital agencyRegards,
      Tycho de Waard

      Tjep's digital agency
      We just love DNN

      Growing Member

        As Tyco says, Linda will be able to help.
        If your theme uses ThemePluginPro, look there in Settings -> Global Settings for various settings for Google Fonts

        New Around Here

          Many thanks for the quick response. I will contact Linda at dnngo.

          New Around Here

            Many thanks for the quick response. I will contact Linda at dnngo. The theme uses only the x-Plugin.

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