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Migrated ASMX Handler Returning 404 Error

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Senior Member

    I have a site where there is an existing ASMX handler service that I need to ensure still works.  The path is as shown below. 

    ~/system/services/existinghandler.asmx/EndpointName (domain removed so the forums doesn't parse the URL path)

    As you can see, there is an existing path that I need to try and maintain, system/services.  

    Why is DNN intercepting this request and how would you go about forcing DNN to ignore the URL so the handler can process the request? 

    Growing Member

      Did you try adding it to the "ignore URL regex"?

      Senior Member

        Thanks, John!  I totally forgot about that setting!  

        Here's my updated code, just in case anyone else runs into this. 

        Original (ships with DNN): 




        Growing Member

          Did it work?

          Senior Member

            Posted By johnhenley on 4/23/2024 10:21 AM
            Did it work?

            Yes, it did.  Thanks, John!  😎 


            Growing Member


              Veteran Member

                I think it is so easy to forget about some of these more hidden yet powerful capabilities of DNN. Thanks for the refresher John!

                David Poindexter


                Advanced Member

                  This is exactly why I always recommend reading all the possible forum threads! you learn so much with just a few minutes of reading! Thank you John for pointing suh an important DNN feature.

                  Ing. Marco Alvarado Gómez MSc | Globalode
                  Phone. +506 6049-1880 | WhatsApp. +506 6049-1880 | Email. [email protected]
                  Address. Costa Rica (A Pura Vida place!).
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