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Profile pictures missing

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New Around Here

    I have a new dev environment and added a couple users to it for some testing.  Initially after adding a profile pic to those users all was fine.  It was displayed correctly in the MyProfile page as well as in the User ribbon on the top of each page.  I was making some changes to the profile and changed the picture to see what the outcome would be as I did not like the previous.  Now I have nothing but the blank profile picture avatar in both sections.  If I login under admin and edit the user I can see the picture is still there.  I also went to the following directory (portals\0\users\003\03\3) for the user to see if the files actually existed and they do.  I also looked at the user profile table to which the property definition for that user and the photo tie to the proper file location ID in the file table. Kind of at a loss here as to why they were working and now nothing.  Can someone shed some light?

    Veteran Member

      This as a bug in DNN 9.3..2( I think).
      What happens is that when loading up the page in edit mode, the picture was not loaded. And after saving, the profile was saved without the image. It was fixed in 9.4.1
      Tjep's digital agencyRegards,
      Tycho de Waard

      Tjep's digital agency
      We just love DNN
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