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Veteran Member

    Thanks for all your hard work on this!

    David Poindexter


    New Around Here

      Ok, as I tried to say, that module is based 99% on things I have no experience with. So, if it needs to be fixed, I am not your guy. If you want it rewritten in a simple and useful way quickly, I can do that. If you are right and there are "hooks" to the gamification modules, I would need to better understand what is going on there (again, no experience with such things).

      Further, there is probably another route to fix this... As I mentioned, there are console errors. Its very likely that the fix is NOT in the module itself, but instead things the module is trying to do or load or execute (e.g cdn libraries not loading, things failing security policies, etc.) So its possible the theme creators or the module creator might recognize the console errors and possible/hopefully have very quick fixes!!

      Veteran Member

        @Jeremy I think we're all always open to help, even if it means taking something in a new direction.  If we (all) think we can push this forward using a different approach, let's create an Issue and figure it out together.  💪🏽

        Veteran Member

          By the way, everyone... The flood control and quick reply features have been fixed and those fixes are already here. (This reply and my previous reply both used this feature.) 😉😎

          Veteran Member

            Posted By Will Strohl on 1/10/2024 2:53 PM
            By the way, everyone... The flood control and quick reply features have been fixed and those fixes are already here. (This reply and my previous reply both used this feature.) 😉😎




            David Poindexter


            Veteran Member

              Posted By Will Strohl on 1/10/2024 8:53 PM
              By the way, everyone... The flood control and quick reply features have been fixed and those fixes are already here. (This reply and my previous reply both used this feature.) 😉😎

              Wow! Thanks a lot!

              Happy DNNing!


              Michael Tobisch

              dnnWerk Austria
              DNN Connect
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