The module when consuming a local web api (http://localhost/ConsultaVarias/Api/Distrito) it gives me the following error:
The problem is in async:
My Action:
public async Task Index() { var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var json = await httpClient.GetStringAsync("http://localhost/ConsultaVarias/Api/Distrito"); var distrito = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json); return View(distrito); }
namespace ConsultasVarias.Controllers { public class DistritoController : ApiController { [HttpGet] public List ListarDistritos() { List distritos = null; try { SAT.ConsultasVarias oBLL = new SAT.ConsultasVarias(); DataTable dtDsitrito = oBLL.ListarDistritos(FuncionesWEB.GetConexionSoporteWEB()).Tables[0]; distritos = (from DataRow dr in dtDsitrito.Rows select new DistritoCLS() { vDistrito = dr["vDistrito"].ToString() }).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { //log.Error("TraceMessage:" + ex.StackTrace); } return distritos; } } }
Test in MVC
Posted By Omar Sánchez on 10/27/2023 4:53 PM I am creating a module for DNN (VS 2017 + that must consume a Web API because I cannot consume DCOM.
Hey Omar, I have to ask... Why are you using VS 2017 and what in your application requires DCOM?
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