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Is there a way to duplicate a page and all it's subpages?

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Veteran Member

    I recall seeing something about how to handle "collisions" during the import process. YOu'll probably want to look at that.
    Joe Craig
    Patapsco Research Group

    Advanced Member

      Thanks - I tried another Import with the "Overwrite Collisions" unchecked. But I still don't see a duplicate set of pages. Any other ideas?

      Thank you again

      Veteran Member

        I would assume that overwrite means to replace existing when there is a collision.

        You could rename the existing pages and do the import.
        Joe Craig
        DNN MVP
        Patapsco Research Group

        New Around Here

          Has this evolved in any way over the past 4 years? I find myself in the same situation as Tom and am looking for a way to export a page with a ton of subpages. I'd like to import these pages in the same portal. The only way I see still, is to export the website, with only the pages and content option selected. But when I import this, The page which I exported (and which I renamed) gets overwritten again... and thats not what I want; I'd just like to let them to be added in the portal. There are going to be 6 pages with almost the exact same subpages; only the level 1 page has a different name.

          Veteran Member

            That's an interesting use case.  I don't expect for DNN to add this as a feature anytime soon, unless someone passionate enough does that work and submits a pull request.  However, this sounds like something that someone could build.  It would just need to be a module that's specific to this use case.  The cool thing is that much of the required development work is already inside of the DNN API itself.  Everything else would be to achieve the exact export and import use case(s) you're trying to resolve.  

            The alternative is to use the site export and import feature, but that's overkill for this and was never meant for a smaller use case (as far as I know).  

            New Around Here

              Well, the site export and import feature would work for me... if my exported page wouldn't be overwritten by the import. Because that's currently the case. But maybe I'm doing it wrong or am I overlooking something.

              Veteran Member

                I am not sure which method for export/import you are using (XML vs JSON), but there is a way (though it can be a bit tedious) to manually rename your pages (within the exported files) to something generic for repeat use.

                David Poindexter


                Veteran Member

                  I would suggest to:

                  1. Create the export
                  2. Move the original pages to a different parent page (and threat them as the copy)
                  3. Import the pages

                  Veteran Member

                    Great idea Timo!

                    David Poindexter


                    New Around Here

                      Yep, that would currently be the best way, thanks Timo.

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