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    In my site guest users are able to view pages without login. 

    We are storing user type in cookie selected by users from one form when they visit site first time. Now based on that user type we would like to show/hide some pages from menu. Can you please suggest how we can achive that?

    Veteran Member

      Do you want to hide the pages from navigation, or do you want to prevent users from seeing pages?
      Joe Craig
      DNN MVP
      Patapsco Research Group

      Growing Member

        Hi Pat, I think there are probably a small number of ways to approach this. Can your users be put into categories, like Customers or Prospects? Because DNN has a strong "Roles" based user management system that can be used to make pages visible or hidden depending upon the roles they are in. To make that work, your visitors would have to be users in the DNN site. Can you prompt them for a username and password? That would log them in and they would then benefit from the custom page sets based upon their roles.

        If logging them with user action is not an option, you could auto-log them in to one of several standard user accounts that already have the roles assigned. The process would grab your cookie and use it to auto login to the right DNN user account.

        Be aware that users can delete their cookies. Would that mess you up?
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