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6 Replies and 2312 Views Upgrade error 911 --> 920 code blocks (i.e. < ... >).     2312 6 Started by Willem Hello, I upgraded from 9.1.1. to 9.2.0. and get this error The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. ). Is this a bug in DNN 9.2.0. or do I have to change the themes and remove all code blocks  (actually not an option) Is it fixed in version 9.4, 9.5 or 9.6
6 2312
by Tycho de Waard (SU)Jump to last post
7/15/2020 12:32 PM
3 Replies and 1759 Views removing <span> element from dnn:TITLE     1759 3 Started by SoapCode For w3c compliance  there cannot be a span element for headers example: &91;h4&93; &91;span&93;text&91;/span&93;&91;/h4&93; and i would like it  to be &91;h4&93; text &91;/h4&93; the line that is displaying the title text is a dnn:TITLE How do i remove the wrapped span around the dnn title
3 1759
by Francisco Pérez AndrésJump to last post
6/18/2020 3:08 AM
2 Replies and 2328 Views Disabling user registration     2328 2 Started by njhvidberg Hi all I have a site where I dont want any user to register. Only Admin can create users. How can i disable or remove the Register link I am using the Xcillion2 theme. Niels
2 2328
by njhvidbergJump to last post
6/7/2020 8:17 AM
2 Replies and 1751 Views DNN9 Skin Test Content     1751 2 Started by Francisco Pérez Andrés Hi all, I wanted to test the Export Portal Template, that we&39;ve just recovered in DNN 9.6.0. So, I used the DotNetNuke Skin Test Content from Timo (https://www.40fingers.net/Products/...st-Content) and I&39;ve "upgraded" it to be used for DNN 9. I installed a DNN 8 and created a new site using Timo&39;s template. Then, I upgraded all the way up to DNN 9.6.0 and used the Export Template feature (Manage > Sites) to export a new template. Everything worked fine, and now I have...
2 1751
by Francisco Pérez AndrésJump to last post
5/13/2020 12:21 PM
1 Replies and 1685 Views Styling login/reset password popup     1685 1 Started by Willem Is there a way to style the login / reset password screen in the modal popup view.. where can I change the styling default.aspx
1 1685
by Tycho de Waard (SU)Jump to last post
5/13/2020 8:53 AM
5 Replies and 3595 Views Update old custom skin to DNN 9 compatible     3595 5 Started by Ian Hsieh Hi there, I recently updates a few of my DNN sites from 7.4.2 to 9.1.1. But now I cannot delete any modules on these sites. I contact my hosting company about that and they mentioned that my themes are not fully compatible with DNN 9.x. I created those themes (skins) myself, but I have no idea how to make them compatible with 9. I don&39;t know what I should do, and I cannot find any information about that. Please help.  Thanks in advance.
5 3595
by Timo Breumelhof (40F)Jump to last post
5/12/2020 7:20 AM
2 Replies and 1351 Views Switching between skins - modules do not map to correct containers     1351 2 Started by braelef I have two skins with the exact same content layout. Yet when I switch from one to the other, the modules all get lumped into one space, rather than mapping to their corresponding space. For example, there&39;s a section called "RowEightGrid4Pane1" on both skins. If I put a module in that section on my OLD skin, then switch to the new skin, the module will have moved (along with all other moduels) to the topmost section of the page, the BannerPane. Anyone have any idea why
2 1351
by braelefJump to last post
5/11/2020 2:25 PM
1 Replies and 1475 Views Footers - updating - styles - content     1475 1 Started by alexismaria Footers didn&39;t update throughout site and how do I update the style of the footer throughout the site Some of the content changed, but not on every webpage. The style of it needs to change to, but it didn&39;t update throughout the whole site. I do not want to go through every single page to check it.
1 1475
by alexismariaJump to last post
5/8/2020 12:23 PM
5 Replies and 2443 Views Override loading location for JavaScriptLibraryInclude     2443 5 Started by thx1200 In my skin, I am using JavaScriptLibraryInclude to load popper.js and bootstrap.  It seems the modules load at the bottom of the HTML.  However, this causes issues with some modules.  I found through experimentation that if I load popper and bootstrap above the modules, everything works fine.  Is there a way to force JavaScriptLibraryInclude to specify the location in the page where the libraries will load so I can force them to load at the top of the page  Or...
5 2443
by thx1200Jump to last post
5/8/2020 9:08 AM
3 Replies and 1907 Views DDR Menu Open in New Window     1907 3 Started by ereckjohan After a lot of looking I managed to piece this together but it doesn&39;t work.  URL&39;s and Files still won&39;t open in a new window using the DDR menu.  I found some documentation saying this was fixed in 7.22 - I am using 9.4.  Here is my XSLT file: &91;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&93; &91;xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"&93;      &91;xsl:output method...
3 1907
by Joe CraigJump to last post
5/8/2020 7:53 AM
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