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All Posts Term: github
8 post(s) found

GitHub’s New One Time Donations Makes It Easy to Support DNN Platform Maintainers!

GitHub’s New One Time Donations Makes It Easy to Support DNN Platform Maintainers!

Not too long-ago GitHub enabled a new functionality which makes it really easy to support your favorite developers. GitHub previously allowed recurring sponsorships - and while that is great - not everyone wants to (or is able to) sign up for a recurring donation. The good news is that GitHub realized this and adjusted accordingly. Now, if you want to thank a developer for fixing a bug, adding an enhancement, or just simply maintaining a project, you can easily do this via a one-time donation.

The super simple guide to Github

The super simple guide to Github

If you are not a coder by nature, Github is created by aliens. It first it makes no sense whatsoever. At a second glance it does not get better.
But I am Dutch, stubborn and determined to get involved. So, here is the Github for non-devs. No command lines. No power shell!

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