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Searching for users

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Growing Member

    In previous DNN versions (pre DNN9) we had a filter that allowed us to filter users based on different options (name, email, profile property, ...). On DNN 9 this is all gone and I can't seem to find a way to find users based on any profile property.


    - is there a way to specify which fields will DNN use for the search filter?

    - if not, what is it currently using for filtering?

    Vicenç Masanas
    Disgrafic ITec SL Banyoles - Spain

    Growing Member

      I think I found the answer myself.
      1. No, the list of searched fields is fixed on stored proc Personabar_GetUsersBySearchTerm

      2. The current filter search includes fields:
      UserName, DisplayName, Email, FirstName, LastName

      So if you need to add more options to the search you'll need to hack this stored proc.
      Vicenç Masanas
      Disgrafic ITec SL Banyoles - Spain

      Senior Member

        Posted By Vicenç Masanas on 16 Jul 2019 03:06 AM
        I think I found the answer myself.
        1. No, the list of searched fields is fixed on stored proc Personabar_GetUsersBySearchTerm

        2. The current filter search includes fields:
        UserName, DisplayName, Email, FirstName, LastName

        So if you need to add more options to the search you'll need to hack this stored proc.

        Or, "fix" it with a pull request? :) 

        Growing Member

          Will, not sure myself how to "fix" this.

          Do you think this should be an option somewhere? or we just can make the system search for every profile property?
          Vicenç Masanas
          Disgrafic ITec SL Banyoles - Spain

          Senior Member

            I think long-term, this use case could be much more common. Adding an advanced search option to the core seems to be a good idea.  :)

            Veteran Member

              please be aware that there are different requirements per use case. I optimized the current stored procedure for speed, in order to support type suggest - even on sites with millions of registered users. Extending this to search user profile as well would slow down results and i.e. affect the current search.
              Of course, the sproc could be enhanced with an additional param "searchColumns", but IMO this shouldn't be used for type suggest.
              I would need a proper use case description to extend the sproc and maybe you can enhance the users PB extension to support it appropriately :)
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