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9 Replies and 2967 Views DNN 9.4, not showing BG image in child pages.     2967 9 Started by Jeff DNN 9.4, Skin, Bootster V2, BG image not showing in child pages, but showing perfectly in parent pages. Any pages that reside under a parent page, is not displaying the background image, but in the source code, it&39;s commanding it. Is there a setting that I missed or something
9 2967
by JeffJump to last post
1/18/2020 11:26 PM
6 Replies and 7449 Views CS0246 The type or namespace name 'DotNetNuke' could not be found     7449 6 Started by Deleted User Hi. I&39;m trying to create new theme for DNN. I&39;m totally new to DNN and I was following these instructions: https://christoc.com/Tutorials/All-Tutorials/aid/8 However when I pressed "build" it gave me error: Error    CS0246    The type or namespace name &39;DotNetNuke&39; could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference)    ProjectName    C:\Websites\...\PopupSkin.ascx.cs &nbs...
6 7449
by Tycho de Waard (SU)Jump to last post
12/29/2019 5:54 AM
5 Replies and 3330 Views Loading SCSS into DotNetNuke     3330 5 Started by TechieMD For New Year, I am trying to have Fireworks Overlay one of my pages. https://codepen.io/MillerTime/pen/NevqWJ I can create a .js file and load fine with HEAD of HTML module I can create a .css file and load fine with HEAD of HTML module. However, when I change the extension from .css to .scss, it does not load. With the .scss file, I get this error:  Not Found The requested document was not found on this server.       Is this a server iss...
5 3330
by Timo Breumelhof (40F)Jump to last post
12/19/2019 11:45 PM
3 Replies and 6794 Views How to hide the left-nav button itself based on user role on DNN 9     6794 3 Started by Mahima I have left navigation menu and the source code is under the skin folder (Project\Portals\_default\Skins\VAN\includes\menu.ascx). I want to hide the tab itself based on the user role. I have first created the page on DNN and tried to disable the Display in Menu option from the page settings but that didn&39;t work out as I think I have to update something in the source code and I am not sure what to update in the source code file as I am not much used to with DNN Platform. I really appreciate y...
3 6794
by noJUANJump to last post
11/25/2019 5:27 AM
0 Replies and 2792 Views RFC Issue Create for CSS Class Structure Naming Convention     2792 0 Started by Cody A request for comments or RFC issue was created.  The purpose is to allow the community to discuss future CSS Class naming convention architecture.   Currently being discussed is fully implementing a new standard for CSS Class names that follows todays best practices and industry standards.  Adding a second set of classes going into version 10 that can be used during this versions lifespan.  Then fade out the old so the skin css Classes so things are not so bloated in...
0 2792
11/11/2019 1:01 PM
4 Replies and 2588 Views Is there anyone out there that can make DNN CE more look modern standard user forms?     2588 4 Started by Cody Can anyone please assist with DNN CE messages, social groups, journal, login, registration, and profile modules styled to more modern look and feel  Also any topics related to this is being discussed on github so please share anything your willing to contribute here. I know there are some topics talking about adding functionality to user registration and login with 2 way authentication and other enhancements but I was thinking maybe someone in the community here might know someone if it...
4 2588
by CodyJump to last post
11/11/2019 12:23 PM
0 Replies and 2672 Views How to create bootstrap badges for user messages and notifications user bar in DNN CE?     2672 0 Started by Cody I am trying to figure out how to style the numbers area for the notifications  and messages icons in the user bar.  I see alpha and omega can style the background using CSS but how can I make it show something like a badge for bootstrap.  Possibly a pill or circle that goes around the number so I can make it stand out or dissappear even if I want to.  Also to style the icon possibly so it just changes colors when you have any messages and displays no number is an example as w...
0 2672
10/27/2019 12:20 PM
3 Replies and 2462 Views Skins with user-friendly content editing?     2462 3 Started by m.kamp Does anyone know skins with a user-friendly UI to manage the page content, specially for effects like parallax backgrounds, flip boxes, carousels, and all the other special effects that modern websites MUST have today I had a closer look to several skins in the DNN store, and some of them have a basic admin UI to set up colors, fonts, etc., but when I want to create a flip box or a carousel, I&39;ll have to enter plain HTML, with lots of DIVS and CSS classes, into the source view of an HTML...
3 2462
by Timo Breumelhof (40F)Jump to last post
10/24/2019 3:21 PM
1 Replies and 1866 Views Edit Control content layout     1866 1 Started by dhilling I have my view control in a full width content pane.  When i click into the "edit" control my .ascx page is in a basic content pane.  I need it full width because my grid has several rows.   How can I force the edit page to be full width thanks Doug
1 1866
by Tycho de Waard (SU)Jump to last post
10/22/2019 2:07 AM
4 Replies and 2750 Views DNN 9 Skin Problem / PersonaBar     2750 4 Started by Andreas Hi! After working mostly on the technical problems, upgrading our old site from 4.x to 9.x, I am now facing some problems with the skin and the PersonaBar. Initially the PersonaBar did not open up the popup with modules until I changed the application pool from classic to integrated. Now the popup opens and I can select a module, but the drag&drop part does not work. Instead the module is directly added somewhere on the page, inside of a container that has no action menus, to move t...
4 2750
by AndreasJump to last post
10/21/2019 11:03 AM
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